What we can do for your business

Flexible Payment Methods
Accept a wide range of payment methods including credit, debit and gift cards. Pursuit works with leading providers around the world.
Simple, Efficient Transactions
Enhance customer experience and speed up your sales process with a modernised, user-friendly POS solution.
Hardware To Match Your Hard Work
Pursuit provides stylish, robust and highly functional hardware to ensure your sales are completed efficiently at all times.
Sell Products Online
A single system to run your brick-and-mortar and online store. Stay open for business 24/7, reach more customers and generate more sales.
Sales Reports
Pursuit generates detailed sales reports to identify your best selling items, record margins and measure the effectiveness of your pricing.
Inventory Reports
Generate data on which products are moving and which aren’t, so your inventory stays fresh to maximise profitability.
Staff Performance Reports
Understand strengths and weaknesses of your team by setting and tracking KPI's to to reduce staff turnover and increase sales.
Customise Your Own Reports
Build your own reports using a wide range of analytical tools and variables to get only the information you need for your business.
Product Management
Add, edit and remove products including images and descriptions. Easily add variants or create composite products to fit your needs.
Inventory Management
Take control over your inventory with our automatic, accurate and painless and inventory management feature.
Customer Management
Allow your customers to be rewarded for regular purchases and build a customer database for effective targeted marketing.
Staff account Management
Create individual staff accounts and track sales. Easily customize permissions to restrict what users can see and do.
View Retailer System View Manufacturer System View Wholesaler System

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Optimise sales with SmartMPOS

Drive greater sales opportunities by providing a more personalised experience to customers and enhancing their experience.

Insightful, Actionable Information

Discover insights your business can act on with Pursuit Analytics

  • Best Performing Products

  • New Product Analysis

  • Staff Performance

  • Best Supplier Analysis

  • Sales Geolocation Analysis

All-in-one POS system

From inventory management and barcode scanning, to powerful analytics and reporting, the Pursuit POS system has been developed to provide a smarter all-in-one software solution for your business.

Contact us for a free demo today!